The Craft of Music Supervision
Music Supervision isn’t something you slip into for a week, deliver a couple of songs and slip out again. Or not for us anyway.
It’s MONTHS (and in some cases YEARS) of work. Discussing sound-worlds with directors and making it fit within budgets for producers. Weeks of researching tracks that are licensable within the confines of those budgets... and still from the year 1968. Then tweaking, until that magical moment happens on screen and the music feels... well... *wow*.
Months of looking for the writers because the song is just perfect for the scene, (and just because they aren't represented, doesn't mean their music doesn't have a place in this world).
Casting musicians, coordinating scores, prepping for live scenes, bouncing ideas around with composers, producing original tracks. Speaking with every single person that has to do with sound and music in the film from pre-production to post.
Connecting with labels, publishers, independent artists, producers, composers, lyricists, agents... to find that special sauce.
Checking every timecode, every contract, every invoice, putting together every cue sheet, delivering the audio.
…and we love every bit of it.